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Remote Manager Setup

The BMS-Terminal application will use virtual serial ports as the communication interface to the RM. Once you have created two serial ports virtually linked, the BMS-Terminal application must be configured to open one port and an RM session configured to open the other port for communications to be successful. The routing is handled by selecting a site account\ID during the Remote manager session login sequence. This means that to change site connection you must logout of the session and re-login and select another site.

Create a BMS-Terminal UDL Session:

1) Run up Remote Manager.

2) Click on the [Sessions] menu item and select the [New] menu item. RM will display a new [Session Configuration] page.

3) Give the new session a name by entering a name in the [Session Name] edit box.

4) Then click on the [Session Type] drop down list box and select [BMS Terminal-RS232] from the list.

5) Click on the [SSH Server 1 IP] edit box and enter the IP address of the PC that is running the SSH Server and WebWayOne’s MCT application and press the [Save] button.

6) After filling in the login details and pressing the [Login] button, a site selection form is displayed.

7) To add or remove entries on the list, click on the [Advanced] link.

8) Select and highlight your site and press the [Call] button to initiate a connection to the remote SPT and panel. If a connection has been successfully established, a live session will appear in the bottom pane of Remote Manager.


BMS-Terminal application

This application has no concept of remote sites or the ability for remote access such as a dialler or IP connectivity. It is able to connect to the panel via an RS232 serial cable local to the panel. To communicate with a remote site, Remote Manager allows users to select their site as you login.

1) Select the virtual COM port linked with the virtual COM port Remote Manager uses.

2) Select the radio [Node Status] in the [Request] group then set the [Repeat] time to 10 seconds and then select the [Repeat] tick box to start the polling sequence.

Note: When connecting over 3G radio, the communications will be sporadic due to latency timeouts and resends by the panel.




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